September 14, 2011


Posted by otioti

… or the other way to say “Press Ctrl+Alt+Supr

# What to do at the "Three Finger Salute".
#ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -r now

You can find it in /etc/inittab file

July 21, 2011

Fun at work

Posted by otioti

The first disks array, left one, is used for user information (profiles, shared documents, software…); the second, is mostly used for backups. Do you see the difference? ;)

May 3, 2011

Cita Previa InterSAS

Posted by otioti

It’s been passed two month since I published my App on Android Market. Now it has 400 downloads. This is fine, but I would like to promote my app more often. The big deal is, here in Andalusia, there are many people that don’t have Android Phones, but I want to have a goal: “Reach 1% of andalusian population”

Here comes maths:

  1. Andalusian total population: 8.370.975
  2. Andalusian potential population (from 18 to 45 years): 3.604.467 (43,03 %)
  3. The goal is 1% of potencial population: 36.044 downloads

Ok, now It’s 400… we’ll see soon.

March 31, 2011

Cita Previa InterSAS

Posted by otioti

After two weeks on Android Market, my App for Appointments on the Andalusian Health Care Public System seems that many people use it. Yesterday, I reviewed downloads stats and I checked that almost 200 people downloaded my App…

I’m thinking to develop iPhone’s App, but that is another market and, most importantly, another programming language… Oh! Lord, Objective-C …  🙂

February 28, 2011

Cita Previa InterSAS

Posted by otioti

Hi guys,

after few weeks closed at home, I became very bored and started to play with develop for Android.

Well, I spent many hours thinking what to do for my first app for Android, and I always wanted to do an App for a simple stuff that some andalusians do more often: Ask for appointment for doctor. Really, I wrapped all the code from Cita para el médico, the official web page of the Regional Ministry of Health Care of Andalusia, invested many hours doing inverse engineering, and finally we could use this app to ask for appointment.

I’ve more ideas for this App:

  • Look for nearest Pharmacies.
  • Create an event into out calendar

But now, I think it’s ok if you want to use it for your family. Here is apk. Ok, now it’s published here:

January 28, 2011

Gentoo, Linux

Posted by otioti

Hi everybody,

some time ago, I was looking for a plugin for nagios that let me check Domain Names .es, for Spain, but all plugins cannot check this kind of domain names.

So, I decided to create new one. It’s very easy to use, it’s like check_domain plugin:

check_domain_es – v%s
Copyright (c) 2011 Juan Pedro Escalona Rueda <> under GPL License
This plugin checks the expiration date of a domain name.
Usage: check_domain_es -h | -d <domain> [-c <critical>] [-w <warning>]
NOTE: -d must be specified
-h: Print detailed help
-d: domain name to check
-w: Response time to result in warning status (days). 30 days by default
-c: Response time to result in critical status (days). 7 days by default
This plugin will use whois service to get the expiration date for the domain name.
Example: -d -w 30 -c 10
You can visit project web page here:

January 24, 2011

Fun at work

Posted by otioti

November 12, 2010

Gentoo, Linux

Posted by otioti

imwl rcuHome # sync
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # sync
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # ./bin/rcu
/bin/sh: /opt/soft/rcuHome/lib/stubs/ version `GLIBC_2.4′ not found (required by /bin/sh)
imwl rcuHome # ./bin/rcu
/bin/sh: /opt/soft/rcuHome/lib/stubs/ version `GLIBC_2.4′ not found (required by /bin/sh)
imwl rcuHome # ls
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # ls
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # ls
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # ls
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # dir
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # exit

Cool, ya?

November 10, 2010


Posted by otioti

I never tried to install a Windows 2003 server with IIS and PHP, but yesterday, i finally assumed that all you can do with Apache with mod_proxy, mod_rewrite and mod_deflate and PHP, will multiply the potency opposite IIS.

First of all, try to install PHP using MSI installer that you could download from, it makes nothing on your system – “Thanks God to invent visual interfaces, i won’t forget the expresion ‘Next, Next, Next, and…. Finish’” – and your face start to frown and exclaim: “***ing Windows!!!”

Later that, you achieve to view a page with <?php phpinfo(); ?>, but not, you see there are some modules missing and not loaded. So, where is the path to php.ini? Ok, it’s on C:\Windows\php.ini. Let’s copy it to that directory and uncomment extension to load them.

Ok, let’s start a Drupal installation… Oh! Gosh! When you drupal try to access to mysql to install DB you got: “PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01B2AC5A”. Well, let’s see again. I found this: And it doesn’t solve my problem. WTF!

I never remember how difficult it’s to install PHP on IIS. I never forget how easy is to do it on Gentoo:

emerge -q apache php

yes… don’t forget activate USE’s :P

November 9, 2010


Posted by otioti

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