Posts Tagged ‘freaks’


Update Express

Thursday, December 20, 2012
posted by otioti

Sometimes when Google release new Android version, it’s more like shooting yourself on a leg.

OK, first workaround here. Some users tell me that App don’t save new users on Android 4.2. Well, this would be caused by App internal storage or encryption interface. Let’s use Logcat and see this exception: pad block corrupted

Some googling later:

Okey they wrote something about it in

Modified the default implementations of SecureRandom and Cipher.RSA to use OpenSSL

Bad day for me… ;(

PD: I wrote my first Easter Egg in the App, so try to find it (Clue: related to calendars)


Unhandled memory problems

Friday, July 6, 2012
posted by otioti

You just arrived at work, and found a message from nagios telling you got a problem with a server. So, you go to ground floor, enter into data center, connect to kvm console any monitor and then see this:

So, reboot the server, and at the end of run BIOS check, you get this again. Ok, next move is load a Rescue LiveCD to check if something is wrong. But the CD couldn’t load, it stopped running Grub ;(

Well, next move was check memory slots, I removed first slot and rerun server… and bingo! That’s it!

To ilustrate this error, I write down complete message:

TRAP 00000010  ======================== EXCEPTION ========================
tr=FFFF  cr0=00000000  cr2=00000000 cr3=00000060
gdt limit=03FF  base=00017000     idt limit=07FF  base=00017400

cs:eip=0006:00000058  ss:esp=0030:00001648  errcode=0000
flags=00600000  NoCy NoZr IntDis Down TrapDis
eax=00000010  ebx=534D0043  ecx=00000002  edx=0000C7B8  ds=0040  es=1240
edi=000254B0  esi=000014BE  ebp=000014A2  cr0=00000000  fs=0010  gs=0010

What a return can cause…

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
posted by otioti

This last weekend I published the last version of Cita Previa InterSAS app, then many people wrote me about the app didn’t work, it always was returning the same error. Once this problem was fixed, another users sent me a new problem when he was trying to ask for appoinment for several patients. It always appears the same calendars and same avaible days and hours. I forgot to write a return at the end of the function in charge of generating the calendar for every patient.

Therefore, I feel a little embarrased (1st time) and ashamed (2nd time), as other friend:!/roman_soft/status/164052041205952512


What to do at the “Three Finger Salute”…

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
posted by otioti

… or the other way to say “Press Ctrl+Alt+Supr

# What to do at the "Three Finger Salute".
#ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -r now

You can find it in /etc/inittab file


A XServe RAID a little unbalanced

Thursday, July 21, 2011
posted by otioti

The first disks array, left one, is used for user information (profiles, shared documents, software…); the second, is mostly used for backups. Do you see the difference? ;)


check_domain_es – Nagios, Check Spanish Domain Names

Friday, January 28, 2011
posted by otioti

Hi everybody,

some time ago, I was looking for a plugin for nagios that let me check Domain Names .es, for Spain, but all plugins cannot check this kind of domain names.

So, I decided to create new one. It’s very easy to use, it’s like check_domain plugin:

check_domain_es – v%s
Copyright (c) 2011 Juan Pedro Escalona Rueda <> under GPL License
This plugin checks the expiration date of a domain name.
Usage: check_domain_es -h | -d <domain> [-c <critical>] [-w <warning>]
NOTE: -d must be specified
-h: Print detailed help
-d: domain name to check
-w: Response time to result in warning status (days). 30 days by default
-c: Response time to result in critical status (days). 7 days by default
This plugin will use whois service to get the expiration date for the domain name.
Example: -d -w 30 -c 10
You can visit project web page here:

Segmentation fault

Friday, November 12, 2010
posted by otioti

imwl rcuHome # sync
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # sync
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # ./bin/rcu
/bin/sh: /opt/soft/rcuHome/lib/stubs/ version `GLIBC_2.4′ not found (required by /bin/sh)
imwl rcuHome # ./bin/rcu
/bin/sh: /opt/soft/rcuHome/lib/stubs/ version `GLIBC_2.4′ not found (required by /bin/sh)
imwl rcuHome # ls
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # ls
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # ls
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # ls
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # dir
Segmentation fault
imwl rcuHome # exit

Cool, ya?


Granada Dance Trooper in Recogidas

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
posted by otioti


How-to perform a Galactic Rebelion…

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
posted by otioti

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