Archive for the ‘Fun at work’ Category


Trying to make a confortable (right measures) UI

Monday, April 23, 2012
posted by otioti


A XServe RAID a little unbalanced

Thursday, July 21, 2011
posted by otioti

The first disks array, left one, is used for user information (profiles, shared documents, software…); the second, is mostly used for backups. Do you see the difference? ;)


Toys in a CPD

Monday, January 24, 2011
posted by otioti


How-to perform a Galactic Rebelion…

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
posted by otioti


Stormtrooper kidnapped in a Data Center

Thursday, May 6, 2010
posted by otioti

He was kidnapped ’cause he was taking a MSDN Docs baggage


Another Stormtrooper day…

Monday, May 3, 2010
posted by otioti

More Stormtroopers at work

Monday, March 29, 2010
posted by otioti




Stormtroopers at work

Thursday, February 11, 2010
posted by otioti


10 best videos of train snow plowing

Monday, January 18, 2010
posted by otioti

Thanks to Bidatzi, a coworker in Fundacion IAVANTE, I decided to post the 10 best videos of train snow plowing. Normally, in Spain, we don’t have too much snow problems with trains communications, but It’s awesome for me see those machines working hard in snow.

Here, my 10 best videos. Enjoy!

1st Train Snow Plowing (slip)

I call this “the beast“:

2nd Train Snow Plowing Mp 466.5

Or named “the train snow plowing hunter“:

3rd Train Snow Plow Getting Stuck

Or also named “Hello? Anybody is there?”

4th Train Snow Plowing Mp.416.5

Named “I can’t see anything” in honor to “David after dentist

5th Train Snow plowing Mp.435.5

lso named “Good at the beginning, worst at the end

6th Train Snow Plowing 2

I call this “Men, take care with bodywork!

7th Train snowplowing on the Kyle Railroad.

Called, “Why don’t we follow a train?”

8th Snow Plowing Mp.467

9th Train Snow Plow Getting Unstuck part 1 of 5

Also called, “How can we get out here?”

10th Tripleheaded Eggliner Snowplow

I call this “Don’t try it at home”

So, I recognized two reflections:

  • Southern Pacific Rules!
  • I’ll die, and I’ll never see a train plowing in Spain as USA. So, I have to visit there 🙂

damn it!

Friday, December 11, 2009
posted by otioti

First, i’m sorry for the title, but…

  • Have you ever had a coworker that deleted a directory or some files of a server?
  • Have you ever had to reinstall a MaOSX Server caused of deleted files?

Well, that happened to me. Yesterday a coworker deleted /usr/bin folder content of MacOSX Server. I tried to copy files from my own Macbook… No! Failure!

Well, today, i waked up because of i had a dream repairing this problem. Has it ever happened to you?

Ok, let’s understood how can we recover those files. The shopping list is:

  • MacOSX Server Installation DVD
  • Pacifist:
  • Macbook or other kind of computer with Mac OS
  • 30 minutes

Install Pacifist, open Apple Install Disc, and search next packages:

  • BSD.pkg
  • BaseSystem.pkg

Inside them we’ll find /usr/bin folders. Just extract them to a directory on your Mac.

But, there is another problem, if we copy files using scp, we won’t copy them because of server doesn’t have /usr/bin/scp.

Ok, let’s copy scp to a http server and then download the file using Safari.

Copy it to /usr/bin and now, we could copy all files using scp.

Funny 😉

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