IIS and PHP: love is in the air

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 @ 07:11 PM
posted by otioti

I never tried to install a Windows 2003 server with IIS and PHP, but yesterday, i finally assumed that all you can do with Apache with mod_proxy, mod_rewrite and mod_deflate and PHP, will multiply the potency opposite IIS.

First of all, try to install PHP using MSI installer that you could download from http://www.php.net/downloads, it makes nothing on your system – “Thanks God to invent visual interfaces, i won’t forget the expresion ‘Next, Next, Next, and…. Finish’” – and your face start to frown and exclaim: “***ing Windows!!!”

Later that, you achieve to view a page with <?php phpinfo(); ?>, but not, you see there are some modules missing and not loaded. So, where is the path to php.ini? Ok, it’s on C:\Windows\php.ini. Let’s copy it to that directory and uncomment extension to load them.

Ok, let’s start a Drupal installation… Oh! Gosh! When you drupal try to access to mysql to install DB you got: “PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01B2AC5A”. Well, let’s see again. I found this:http://www.experts-exchange.com/Web/Web_Languages/PHP/PHP_Windows/Q_21059061.html. And it doesn’t solve my problem. WTF!

I never remember how difficult it’s to install PHP on IIS. I never forget how easy is to do it on Gentoo:

emerge -q apache php

yes… don’t forget activate USE’s :P

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Contact your web host and ask them to enable GD image support for PHP.

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Contact your web host and ask them to enable imagepng for PHP.

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